Moons of Jupiter

Composed & Conducted by Tom Bruner

Coming Soon.

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"Music can take us places where reality cannot!"
... Martin Mailman

Four large moons of Jupiter – Ganymede, Callista, Europa and IO … awe-inspiring splendors, exquisitely beautiful wonders of the Solar System, yet extremely hostile, terrifying, mysterious, many times breathtaking, but always dangerous worlds.

The most massive moon, Ganymede, is larger than the planet Mercury. Europa is the prime candidate that may harbor life in its deep ocean lying under miles of surface ice. IO (which is also very active volcanically) and possibly even Callista, which is pockmarked with asteroid craters, may have vast oceans as well… some as much as hundreds of miles deep, again lying under miles of surface ice… oceans that may contain strange, unknown lifeforms.

The Symphonic Suite - Moons of Jupiter attempts to envision what possible scenarios and images lie ahead for initial human explorers. From the point of view of an exploratory vehicle’s gradual approach to each moon, while trying to avoid Jupiter’s deadly radiation… to landing on a satellite’s surface, exploring landscapes and craters… to having unmanned vehicles traverse the depths of lunar oceans, nothing is out of the realm of possibilities of unknowns that may be encountered. Unexpected, fleeting moments of wonderment could turn - within a heartbeat - into alarming danger! Or what would conversely appear to be a terrifying encounter, could turn out to be a benevolent asset! And beauty beyond imagination might suddenly morph from a tranquil landscape… or ocean world, into an extremely perilous confrontation.

It is the ever-changing and imagined images of what Jupiter’s lunar explorations could experience, that is the core intent of this symphonic suite. Additionally, its purpose is an attempt – through music – of transporting the human psyche to otherwise unreachable destinations in the vast universe we inhabit.

© 2024 Thomas Bruner

Tom Bruner

Moons of Jupiter

  • Europa (11:03)
  • Ganymede (10:50)
  • IO (10:05)
  • Callisto (11:06)